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"It will sound cheesy, but I love my job!"

Sheliza Ng joined the BBS 2019 as a trainee teacher. During the last school year she was teaching English and IPC in grade 5 in the Primary school. 

With loads of warm wishes for her new adventures we have to say goodbye, since Sheliza and her family are leaving Berlin this summer – due to a great opportunity abroad. We are very thankful for her passion, kindness and for having been such a great asset to our community. 


Submitted by Severine Naeve on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 14:05

"When the children were back together after lockdown, they were so happy and just radiated joy."

Rebekah Eckard started at BBS Primary in january 2021. She is educator in grade 1/2 and had like all new team members a challenging start – given the circumstances of the Covid pandemic. But with an open mind and  lot of empathy she is a perfect match to the very unique team at the BBS. And – Spoiler Alert! – we might read more of her than only this interview in the future ;-) 


Submitted by Severine Naeve on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 12:41

"Typisch Lehrerin: Ich verbringe meine freien Minuten mit Lesen und Schreiben"

Katja Rothe (korrekterweise Dr. Katja Rothe) unterrichtet seit 2020 an der BBS Secondary. Kein einfaches Jahr für einen Start in einem neuen Job. Auch, wenn die BBS möglicherweise der beste Ort ist, um selbst unter den erschwerten Bedingungen einer globalen Pandemie weich zu landen. Das hat jedenfalls gut geklappt. Katja unterrichtet seitdem Deutsch, Geschichte und Psychologie – mit großer Leidenschaft. 

Submitted by Severine Naeve on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 11:39

Interview with Oskar-1st Grade

Is there anything else you would like to change at BBS?

I would like to make the breaks four minutes longer.

I would like to have all of the rooms open during ‘In class


What’s been the biggest challenge at school during the

pandemic and why?

I don’t like testing. Sometimes the masks poke in my eye and

I don’t like it.

How do you contribute to a good atmosphere at school?

Being friendly.

Submitted by ninahynes@gmail.com on Sun, 03/20/2022 - 21:39

"I wasted an enormous amount of my life playing Civilization"

Alex Kogon is father of two kids who attended the BBS Primary. His daughter Tilda is still in the 4th grade. Alex is one of the parents who contributed a lot during the lockdown phases, since he was helping the BBS to organise and set up all the Chromebooks that were given out to families who didn't have a computer for their child. Severine Naeve talked to him about his parent work, tech at BBS in general, the importance of and improvement through the Chromebooks at BBS – and his favorite waste of time ;-)

Submitted by Severine Naeve on Tue, 12/07/2021 - 22:34

"Die Schulleitung der BBS legt sehr großen Wert auf die IT und technische Ausrüstung"

Sonja Tarana ist seit vier Jahren an der BBS und unterrichtet Mathematik und Informatik an der BBS Secondary. Sie arbeitet bereits seit 2010 als Mathe- und Informatik-Lehrerin – sowohl in Grundschulen als auch in Gymnasien und Sekundarschulen. Severine Naeve hat mit ihr über Technik an der BBS, ihren Unterricht und ihre Lieblings-Apps gesprochen. 

Submitted by Severine Naeve on Tue, 12/07/2021 - 22:09

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