"When the children were back together after lockdown, they were so happy and just radiated joy."

Rebekah Eckard started at BBS Primary in january 2021. She is educator in grade 1/2 and had like all new team members a challenging start – given the circumstances of the Covid pandemic. But with an open mind and  lot of empathy she is a perfect match to the very unique team at the BBS. And – Spoiler Alert! – we might read more of her than only this interview in the future ;-) 


Rebekah Eckard
Rebekah on holiday with her family (©Rebekah Eckard private)


Rebekah, if you look back at your first weeks at the BBS, how did you experience this challenging time? 

The first 6 weeks at BBS were in the lockdown. I got to know my kids for the first time while on Google Meet which was ... such an experience. I still look fondly on baking cakes during Online ICH with some of my students grandparents and playing games together. What a unique experience! 

What did you do before joining the BBS? Did you live in Berlin already - or was the city also new to you? 

I’ve been off and on in Berlin since I was 18. I came for a summer internship and just kept coming back – the "typical" Berlin story ;-) I made the official move back in 2016 and couldn’t see myself anywhere else. I’m originally from Birmingham, Alabama, in the US and worked there teaching Pre-K for 4 years before making the big jump. 

What do you like most about your job at the BBS?

I think it’s a lot of little things combined for me. BBS is just such a delightful place to work. I truly mean that. The people are great, the kids are hilarious, and the job itself is a dream. I love being able to work with kids on the social development. In my (biased) opinion, there is nothing more important than helping our kids figure out how to be kind, competent and responsible humans. I love working with them to develop skills they will be using their whole lives. Such as how to be a good friend, how to stand up for yourself or even how to apologize (and mean it) when you’ve made a mistake. I hope these are some of the things that stick with them long after they leave our class. 

What was the best moment for you after everyone came back to school?

Last June, after lockdown had been officially lifted, I remember watching the whole class just playing tag together in Volkspark. They were just so happy to all be back together, they just radiated joy. I teared up a little just watching them get to play with each other again after so long. 

How would you describe the BBS in three words? 

Easy going. Kind. Fun. 

What are your plans for summer? 

I’m going to Oxford for a writer’s conference. I’m working on my first middle grade fantasy novel at the moment. And then I’m meeting my family in Bologna to eat as much pasta as we possibly can in one week’s time :-)))

What is you favorite thing to do when you have a few hours with no pressure and deadlines? 

I sew all my own clothes, so I’d probably use a free afternoon to sew up a new dress or work on an outfit for my little girl. I find working with my hand to create something new to be incredibly meditative for me. And I enjoy having made something useful and practical at the end of the time. 

Your favorite place in Berlin to hang out on a warm summer day?

My family and I live near Tierpark and we spend most of our weekends there, visiting the animals and hanging out at the Wasserspielplatz. 

Given that you are a writer yourself, we need to know: What is the top 1 book on your reading list for summer?  

I’ve got Jessica Miller’s “A Republic of Birds” at the top of my list. It’s a middle grade fantasy novel that just looks delightful. I’ve read Jessica’s work before, and can totally recommend her books for 4th graders and up! 

Do you have any recommendation for a book that parents can read together with their kids? 

I read the Alexandra Ott’s series ‘Legends of the Realm’ last summer. Another middle grade fantasy novel –  are you seeing a theme? ;-) And it is just simply wonderful. Strong female characters. Delightful boy-girl friendships. A worthy mission. AND DRAGONS. What else could you ask for in a good summer read? The reading level would be good for 3rd grade and up, but I think 1st and 2nd graders would enjoy reading it with their families.

If you could beam yourself to any place right now where would you go? 

Anywhere it’s not currently 35 degrees. :)

Thanks a lot, Rebekah. And enjoy summer :-) 

Rebekah Eckard
Submitted by Severine Naeve on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 12:41

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